Conversation On Meeting

On Meeting  ملنے پر Don’t forget it/Keep it in mind. Let me know when he comes. See you again. Give/convey my regards to him. Do write to me sometimes/off and on. Please give me your address. Long time no see. (informal)./ Didn’t see you for a long time. He has asked for you. My work … Read more

Conversation to servant,Out of home

Out of Home گھر سے باہر This shoe is very tight. Always keep to the left. Always walk on the footpath. Beware of pickpockets. I am not fond of theatre/seeing plays. Where does this road lead to? This road loads to Murree. Just hold my cycle/bike. I have to keep awake/wake up at night. This … Read more

Present perfect continuous/ progressive tense

  Present perfect continuous Tense is also called Present progressive tense, tell us about the actions started in the past and still continue. Present perfect continuous Rules: We use has been  with only 3rd person singular. (He, she, it, Ali )  Since is used to talk about  Point of time . moring, evening, 2 pm, 4’0 clock, … Read more

Poverbs with Added Wisdom

Honesty is the best policy. Give up the way of hypocrisy. As you so shall you reap. So there is no need to weep. Union is strength. You will surely overcome hostility at length. Self praise is no recommendation. Ypu will be known by your action. Send and God will send. Don’t be miser, O’friend. … Read more

Dog idioms in English language

Dog-cheap بہت سستا Dog-eared کتے کے کانٹے Dog-days مخصوص گرمی کے دن Dog-sleep نیند میں بہوسا Dog-headed سرکش Dogged بے لگام Cats and dogs برسات کی بارش Cat and dog life ناستی گزاری Sentences: Dog-cheap:Potatoes are dog-cheap nowadays. Dog-eared:Children have made the pages of my bookon tenses dog-eared. Dog-days:We are building a new house but … Read more

Idioms in English

Set “A” Blow out the candles. can’t you sit still? Don’t make a noise. Hold your tongue. He last his temper. He was overjoyed. He stumbled over a stone and fell down. I am feeling sleepy. I withdraw my words. I am a bit hard of hearing. I am an eye-sore to him. Keep to … Read more

Dialy Life Idioms

In good time: You are now overage. You must have married in good time. For good: You are a computer engineer aspiring to get Canadian immigration. Do you want to leave Pakistan for good? Good wife: You want to leave for America.But do you think your good wife will allow you. Goody: My grandmother is … Read more

Impressive Phrases in English

Devil my care: I’m totally fed up with this old car. I’m leaving it on the road…devil my care. Devil’s dream: Oh my God! This dust and wind …I wanna have a devil’s dream. Gone to devil: The baby toreall pages…Half book has gone to devil. Go to devil: Go to devil…I can’t help you … Read more

Common Phrases

Prayer less: May Allah forgive such prayerlee people like me. Prayer meeting: Every Friday, I attend the prayer meeting in jamia mosque. Keepsake: I’ve a very precious keepsake of my beloved. Souvenir: I like to accept and give souvenirs. Sycophant: Never tell her your secret. She is such a sycophant. Tomfool: Some people are fools … Read more

Everyday Phrases 3

 Half timer: Due to his poverty, Saif is a half timer, works in the morning and studies in the morning. Have it your own way: I have tried my best for you, but now have it you own way. Have and have-nots: Eid bring happiness or the haves and deprivations for the have-nots. He-man: Shamsi … Read more