What are compound sentences?

Compound sentences are a type of sentence that has at least two independent clauses. These clauses have related topics to each other.These clauses are joined together by conjunction or a semicolon. A compound sentence joins two separate clauses with a coordinating conjunction such as and or but. They work best when you want to combine two or more self-contained, … Read more

Complex sentence, 10 Complex sentences

A sentence that has one independent and one dependent clause is called a complex sentence. When these two types of clauses are joined together form a complex sentence. For connecting the dependent and independent clauses subordinating conjunctions are used like while, after, or since. Example sentences of the complex sentence: So all these above sentences, are … Read more

10 Useful Complex Sentence Examples

Here in this topic, we learn about complex sentences with some useful Complex Sentence Examples Complex Sentence: A complex sentence contains at least one main clause and one subordinate clause, but the subordinate clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.  This means that you must use subordinating conjunctions (also known as dependent words).  Such as; … Read more

20 Compound Sentence Examples

Here in this topic, we learn about compound sentences with some useful Compound Sentence Examples. Compound Sentence: Compound sentences contain two or more independent clauses, making them longer than simple sentences. Compound Sentence Examples infographic They can make your writing easier to read and more interesting, but they’re not as easy to write as simple sentences, … Read more

Useful Nonfinite Verb Examples:

In this topic, Nonfinite Verb Examples we discuss nonfinite verbs with some useful examples. Nonfinite Verb: The non-finite verb will tell you more about how the subject performed the action in the sentence, and it’s used in both formal and informal writing. The non-finite verb is one of the eight verb forms, and it’s essentially an action … Read more

Phrasal Preposition | Definition 10 Easy Examples & List

Definition: A Phrasal Preposition is a preposition that works in conjunction with another word, such as an adverb or noun, to form a phrase. The word preposition means position before something else, and a phrasal preposition refers to two or more words that act together as one preposition. A Phrasal Preposition refers to a proposition that has been combined with an … Read more

Transformation of sentences | 10 Rules & Easy Examples:

Transformation of sentences means changing a sentence from one form to another form. But with this transformation, we did not change the meaning of a sentence. Understanding the types of sentences is necessary before transforming sentences There are three types of sentences. In this topic, we learn how we can change one form of a … Read more

Narration Exercise | 20 Practice Exercise with Answers:

Here in this topic, Narration Exercise we learn how to change the direct narration into an indirect narration. So let’s start the topic with the definition of narration. Definition: Narration may be defined as the oral or written method of delivering a story to the audience. Narration is a literary device used in fiction to tell the story of … Read more

Declarative sentence | Easy 10 Examples sentences

What is a declarative sentence? A Declarative sentence is a type of sentence that is used for making a statement, providing facts, offering an explanation, or conveying some information.  It simply tells the truth about something and does not require any response from the listener or reader; it’s a statement of fact. Meaning: This sentence type is … Read more