Learn English grammar in an easy way, with videos. Here you will learn basic grammar concepts with examples.
Learning grammar is essential for ESL students, if they do not know basic grammar rules, of second language, they are unable to make a correct sentence.
English Tenses
Parts of speech has major role in English grammar. Learn parts of speech at a glance, here you will learn all parts of speech briefly.
Structure of Sentence
Positive sentences
The basic word order in affirmative sentences in English is
Noun is the name of person, place, things or any idea.
We can say that Nouns are words, that describe the things around us, both the concrete
“Pronouns” is the word used instead noun to stop the repetition of Noun. The word pronoun originally means “instead of name.” Any word that is used instead
There are three stages: the past (past), present (present) and tomorrow (future). Each time step consists of different tenses. The verbs in the English tenses are not inflected. Exception is the 3 Person singular in the..
“Pronouns” is the word used instead noun to stop the repetition of Noun. The
word pronoun originally means “instead of name.” Any word that is used instead
Present Continuous – present progressive tense
Examples of present continuous tense:فعل حال جاری
Positive sentences: سادہ
Present perfect continuous/ progressive tense
We use has been with only 3rd person singular. (He, she, it, Ali )
Since is used to talk about Point of time . moring, evening, 2 pm, 4’0 clock, Monday, 2013 etc