Prepositions rules and example lessons
Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They are used to indicate location, direction, time, manner, purpose, and more. Here are some important rules and examples of prepositions in English:
- Prepositions usually come before nouns or pronouns.
Example: The cat is sitting on the table.
In this sentence, “on” is the preposition that shows the relationship between “cat” and “table.”
- Prepositions can also come before gerunds (-ing form of verbs) and noun clauses.
Example: He is interested in reading books.
In this sentence, “in” is the preposition that shows the relationship between “interested” and “reading books.”
Example: She is worried about what her boss will say.
In this sentence, “about” is the preposition that shows the relationship between “worried” and “what her boss will say.”
- Prepositions can indicate location, direction, time, manner, purpose, and more.
Example: She is standing beside the tree.
In this sentence, “beside” is the preposition that indicates the location of the subject, “she.”
Example: He is walking towards the park.
In this sentence, “towards” is the preposition that indicates the direction of the subject’s movement, “he.”
Example: The meeting is at 3 PM.
In this sentence, “at” is the preposition that indicates the time of the meeting.
Example: He drove the car with care.
In this sentence, “with” is the preposition that indicates the manner in which the subject drove the car.
Example: He did it for his family.
In this sentence, “for” is the preposition that indicates the purpose of the subject’s actions.
- Some prepositions have multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts.
Example: We went to the beach on Sunday.
In this sentence, “on” is the preposition that indicates the day of the week.
Example: She put the book on the table.
In this sentence, “on” is the preposition that indicates the location of the book.
In conclusion, prepositions are important words in English grammar that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. By understanding the rules and examples of prepositions, you can improve your English writing and communication skills.
Use Of From
- The boy was absent from school.
- You must abstain/refrain from smoking.
- My uncle has come from Lahore.
- He prevents/stops me from going there.
Use Of By
- His company is progressing by leaps and bounds.
- I was accompanied by my father.
- Please don’t get disturbed by this news.
- He was highly amused by my story.
- This packet should reach Karachi by Monday.
Use Of With
- You don’t know how to deal with others.
- We should be acquainted with the English language.
- He was gifted with a talent of painting.
- We got fed up with his behavior.
- My boss was pleased with me.
Use Of In
- He was absorbed/busy in his work.
- Amna is deaf in one ear.
- You must be polite in your behavior.
- He is well versed in music.
Use Of Of
He was sure of success.
- He is fully aware of his weakness.
- He is fond of mangoes.
- He reminds me of his brother.
- Its a matter of great honour for me.
Use Of For
- Is she preparing/studying for the test?
- I always care for him.
- He apologized to me for his misbehaviour.
- He’ll have to account for the money.
Use Of To
- He is addicted to smoking.
- He acted contrary to the rules.
- Some people prefer wealth to health.
- He referred the matter to the higher authorities.
Use Of Into
- The police inquired/looked into the matter.
- We put our books into our bags,
- He went into the room.
Use Of Against
Use Of On
- His criticism is not based on facts.
- Why are you bent on going there?
- We cannot rely on him.
Use Of Over
- Snow/Ice is scattered over the road.
- The bridge is over the river
Use Of About
- The mother is worried about her son’s health.
- She was enquiring about Amna.
Phrase Preposition
- I was about to go.
- He succeeded by dint of hard work.
- We should be prepared to sacrifice
everything for the sake of our country. - We should act in favour of our friends.
- We must work in order to live.
- I attended the office in spite of ray illness.
- We are in the midst of trouble.
- He had to leave suddenly in the midst of meeting.
- Ali had to give up studies for want of money.