Character کردار/چال چلن
Neither borrow nor lend.
- You must come out with the truth./
You must tell/speak the truth. - Who eats without earning is committing a theft.
- There is great joy in selfless service.
- An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.
- To rest is to rust.
- Life is for others service.
- Don’t ask anything from anybody.
- Neither deceive nor be deceived.
- My conscience doesn’t permit.
- He has atoned for his sin.
- The virtuous alone are happy.
- She always keeps on talking.
- She is very jealous of her sister.
- We are sure of your honesty.
- He pretends to know everything.
- To get angry is to show weakness.
- An idle man is as good as half-dead.
Person and Age شخصیت اورعمر
Please introduce yourself.
- What is your age?/How old are you?
- I have just completed eighteen.
- You are older/younger than me.
- Your name, please?/What is your good name?
- How many brothers do you have?
- How many sisters do you have?
- Our eldest brother lives separately.
- He is just a kid.
- He looks aged.
- He has grey hair.
- Does she dye her hair?
- Do you have a joint family?/
Is yours a joint family? - Yes, it is.
- You look younger than your age./
You look young for your age. - My brother is sixteen years old.
- I am a bachelor.
- She is married.
- She has only two daughters.
- What is your father?/
What does your father do? - He has retired from government service.
Dress لباس
Pakistani women usually/mostly wear Shalwar qameez.
- He was wearing a blue uniform.
- It is a water-proof coat.
- These dresses are for you.
- Don’t wear/put on wet clothes.
- Wear old coat, buy a new book.
- I will come after changing my clothes.
- Nowadays the youth wear clothes of the latest fashion.
- She was wearing/clad in a silk sari .
- My clothes have gone to the laundry.
- A man is judged by his clothes./ by the clothes he wears.
- This dress is a little tight for me.
- This coat is loose at the waist.
- Do you have shirtings?
- Yes, we have good suitings also.
- My suit is different from yours./
Your suit is not like mine. - His shirt is not like mine./similar to mine.
- This cloth is twelve rupees a/per metre.
- Please don’t forget to wear a raincoat.
- This cloth is extremely/very warm.