Auxiliary Verbs | Examples, and List

Auxiliary verbs are words that shows action. There are some important types of verbs auxiliary verb is one of them we discuss in this topic.  


Auxiliary verbs are verbs that help make the main verb’s meaning more clear or complete.

The auxiliary verb, which can also be called the helping verb, provides support to the main verb of the sentence, but they don’t always mean the same thing.

Auxiliary verbs often serve the purpose of expressing the mood or tense of the sentence but can also be used to convey other meanings like possibility or necessity.

 The most common auxiliary verbs are;

 Am, are, be, do, has, have, may, might, must, shall, should, and will.

 There are also some verbs that can act as both main verbs, and auxiliary verbs depending on their use in the sentence.

The common auxiliary verbs are to haveto be, and to do. There are also modal verbs, which express ability or possibility (can and must).

 Auxiliary verbs cannot stand alone as main verbs; they must be used with main verbs that carry the action of the sentence.

Describes something that someone does, but which isn’t necessarily something they physically do; rather, it describes how they feel about something or how they mentally function in relation to someone or something else.

Some Useful Example Sentences of Auxiliary Verbs:

  1. am sorry for your loss.
  2. She has not agreed to come along with me.
  3. He has completed the entire syllabus before the time.
  4. He is watching a movie on TV.
  5. He will arrive on the time at the college.
  6. They are having fun in the northern areas.
  7. Sara was worried about her job.
  8. She doesn’t care what they might say.
  9. Sam is writing a letter to his friend.
  10. He was cooking at that time.

So these are the best examples of auxiliary verbs.

List of the 50 common Auxiliary Verbs:

  1. is
  2. am
  3.  will
  4. shall
  5. ought to
  6. dare
  7. have to
  8. was
  9. should
  10. can
  11. did
  12. were
  13. been
  14. had better
  15. would
  16. has
  17. must
  18. may
  19. going to
  20. have
  21. need
  22. being
  23. might
  24. does
  25. could
  26. had
  27. do
  28. be
  29. are
  30. be able to