Verbs that start with J like Join, Jump, justify. The verb is a word that shows action in the sentence. There are so many interesting verbs. In this topic, you learn a complete list of verbs starting with J.
A verb is a word that shows an action or an event that happens. It will describe what the subject of the sentence does or something the subject has done, and often it will also describe how the subject does it.

Verbs that start with J:
- Join
- journey
- jut
- jeweled
- jolt
- jail
- joke
- jingle
- juggle
- jiggered
- jeopardize
- jeopardize
- jest
- jostle
- jettison
- jack
- jar
- jockey
- jam
- jolly
- jeer
- justify
- jog
- jump
- juxtapose
- judge
- jet
- jumble
- jot
- jerk
- jump the lights
- jerk
- jihad
- jump rope
- jihadize
- jeep
- jigsaw
- jump on
- jetty
- jug
- jump the gun
- jump one’s bail
- Joss
- jack-knife
- jalousie
- jut out
- jive
- jump queue
- jawboning
- jeer
- jump the queue
- jump on the bandwagon
- jump ship
- jump out
- joke around
- jawbone
- jump the line
- ump off
- jump someone’s bones
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