Difference between Adverb and Adjective

For describing the difference between adverb and adjective we should know about adverb and adjective.

Definition of Adverb:

The adverb is a word or a group of words that qualifies the verb and adjective and also other adverbs. Adverb normally indicates the degree and the quality of an action. Adverb shows us how, when, and where an action is performed. Most of the adverbs end with (ly) but there are some words that are end with the (ly) but they are not an adverb.

As an example: there is a word that ends with (ly) but that is not an adverb. That word is FRIENDLY it ends with (ly) but it is not an adverb.

Some example sentences of adverb:

  • She always gets a good result.
  • She will eat later.
  • She sings nicely.
  • I am too tired to walk.
  • I totally agree with you.
  • The movie is starting now.
  • He never tells a lie.

So in the above sentences, all the underline words are adverbs.

Definition of adjectives:

The adjective is a word that qualifies the noun and a pronoun in a sentence. Adjective normally qualifies the duration, feeling, size, shape, quality, content, and much more about a noun and a pronoun. Basically adjective provides complete information about a noun or a pronoun.

Some example sentences of adjective:

  • She is a fast driver.
  • My cat has blue eyes.
  • My sister is a strong girl.
  • Sara wore a beautiful dress.
  • She looks angry.

So in the above sentences, all the underlined words are adjectives.

Difference between the adverb and the adjective

The main difference between the adverb and an adjective is what they qualify or what they modified. An adverb only qualifies the verb and the adjective and the other adverbs. Adverb shows us how, when, and where an action is performed. An adverb indicates the degree and the quality of an action. And the adjective qualifies the noun and a pronoun in a sentence. Adjective normally qualifies the duration, feeling, size, shape, quality, content, and much more about a noun and a pronoun. So that is the difference between the adverb and the adjective.