Comparative Adjectives | Definition & 10 Easy Examples:


Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things so that you can say one thing or person is more or less of something than another thing or person.

An adjective can be either positive or negative, and it describes a noun by telling you its color, size, shape, or the like.

Rules of comparative degree:

Rule no 1:

We add “er “with the one-syllable adjective.

Comparative formOld+er= older
ExampleSam is five years older than me

Rule no 2:

When an adjective ends with “E” we add “r” at the end.

Comparative formLarge+ r= larger
ExampleLahore is the larger city in Pakistan.

Rule no 3:

If that adjective ends with –Y we add ier in the place of –Y

Comparative formHappy- Y+ ier= happier
ExampleThe less you care, the happier you are.

Rule no 4:

We use the word more with two syllables adjectives.

Comparative formMore beautiful
ExampleSara is more beautiful than me.

The word comes from the Latin compārātīvus, which means compared to or compared with.

So you can use comparative adjectives to show how things are different from one another – and the differences can be small or great.

 In English grammar, we use the comparative form of an adjective to show that one thing has more of a certain quality than another thing does.

There are three types of comparative adjectives:

  • Adjectives that compare two nouns.
  • Adjectives that compare two people.
  • Adjectives that compare two ideas.

In other words, it’s an adjective whose job it is to describe a quality of one thing relative to another thing. Comparative adjectives are usually formed by adding -er or -est to an adjective.

For example,

 If you wanted to compare the size of two tables, you could say that.

  • One table was bigger than the other.


If you’re describing two people.

  • One as having dark hair and the other as having lighter hair.

The adjective darker would be used to describe the first person because his hair was darker than the other person’s hair.

Some Easy Examples of Comparative Degree of Adjectives:

  1. She is much brighter than all the other students.
  2. Sara’s hairs are thicker than mine.
  3. Twitches are spicier than lays.
  4. Sam can run faster than Khan.
  5. Sara’s car is bigger than mine.
  6. The black cat is smaller than the brown cat.
  7. Sea is calmer than the river.
  8. Drawing is easier for me than writing.
  9.  Ali is naughtier than his sister.
  10. Eliza is taller than me.

So these are the example sentences all the bold letters are under the definition of comparative degree of adjectives. Read more