Here in this topic, we discuss Colors Names in English types of colors and a huge list of beautiful colors names.
Colors Names in English:
The colors are very important in your life. Colors are used to give additional meaning to otherwise ambiguous images, and texts.
Although they can have their own meaning as well based on the context in which they appear. Color theorists typically divide the color into three distinct categories.
Types of colors:
Colors are divided into three basic categories that are given below.
- Primary Colors
- Secondary Colors
- Tertiary Colors
Primary Colors names:
The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. These are the basic colors from which all other colors are derived.
These three colors can be combined to create other colors, such as orange, purple, and green. Mixing equal amounts of the primary colors creates white; mixing equal amounts of any two primary colors creates a secondary color.
Such as orange or purple; and mixing equal amounts of all three primary colors creates black or grey. The amount of each of the primary colors used can change the tone or brightness of the resulting color, making an enormous range of different hues possible through color mixing alone.

These colors can be combined to create new colors and thousands of shades, but they cannot be broken down into any smaller parts to make something entirely different.
For example,
The color green can be made by mixing yellow and blue, but it’s impossible to turn green into red or blue on its own.
The primary colors names are;
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
Secondary Colors:
When two primary colors are mixed together, they create the secondary colors in their respective color wheel.
This means that blue and yellow make green, red and yellow make orange, and red and blue make purple. The secondary colors are located between the primary colors that create them on the color wheel.
For example,
The secondary color orange is located between the primary colors blue and red on the color wheel; when you mix red and blue paint together to create orange paint, you’re actually mixing two primary colors to get a secondary color.
Secondary colors names are;
- Orange.
- Green
- Purple
Tertiary Colors:
When the three primary colors of light, red, green, and blue are combined in various intensities, they create the secondary colors of light – cyan, magenta, and yellow.
These secondary colors, when blended in different ratios can produce the tertiary colors of light: orange, purple, and aqua.
The tertiary colors are lighter than their primary and secondary counterparts and have high luminosity. They all have an equal mix of their adjacent color, making them darker than their primary or secondary counterpart but brighter than their complementary color.
Tertiary colors names are;
- Red-Orange
- Yellow-Orange
- Yellow-Green
- Blue-Green
List of Colors Name:
- Green-yellow
- Dark turquoise
- Ghost white
- Chocolate
- Yellow
- Royal blue
- Linen
- Light blue
- Peru
- Hot pink
- Pale violated
- Floral white
- Pale goldenrod
- Forest green
- Dark blue
- Pale green
- Blue
- Dark slate gray
- Dark magenta
- Light cyan
- Light goldenrod yellow
- Olive drab
- Light pink
- Navajo white
- Chartreuse
- Lime
- Lavender blush
- Dark cyan
- Burlywood
- Brown
- Olive
- Gray
- Khaki
- Blanched almond
- Light slate grey
- Lemon chiffon
- Azure
- Teal
- Antique white
- Navy
- Gainesboro
- Light coral
- Honeydew
- White
- Dark orchid
- Dark green
- Firebrick
- Light yellow
- Orange-red
- Dark grey
- Silver
- Dark sea green
- Brown
- Dark salmon
- Cyan
- Alice blue
- Lavender
- Maroon
- Purple
- Crimson
- Indigo
- Dark violet
- Peach puff
- Lime
- Dark orange
- Dark olive green
- Blue-violet
- Coral
- Aqua
- Green
- Pale turquoise
- Aquamarine
- Gold
- Pink
- Red
- Corn silk
- Ivory
- Light steel blue
- Dark red
- Gray
- Lime green
- Dark gray
- Beige
- Orange
- Dark goldenrod
- Cornflower blue
- Dark khaki
- Dim gray
- Lawn green
- Dodgerblue
- Dark slate blue
- Deep sky blue
- Papaya whip
Colors Names with Interesting Facts:
Red is one of the most visible colors in the world, and it’s commonly associated with feelings of passion, strength, and danger.
These associations are powerful enough to give us some insight into how to use red effectively in color psychology and visual branding, although you should be careful to avoid creating negative associations with red through overuse or bad pairing.
Green has long been associated with the color of growing leaves and lush vegetation, as well as the color of nature and environmentalism in general.
However, these aren’t the only associations people make with green, which can come in any shade from lime to olive to hunter green to Kelly green to emerald-green (but never blue).
Everyone loves the color green and it has become one of the most popular colors in clothing, accessories, and interiors.
Yellow has been associated with the color of food and flowers since ancient times and appears in the flags of several countries around the world to represent pride and nationalism.
The word yellow derives from the Old English geolu, giol, yella, or giella; in Latin, it was described as flavus (the origin of the English word yellow).
Yellow dye was first widely used in ancient times to color cloth, most importantly, to make Imperial Chinese Imperial robes and later the emperor’s yellow hats.
In the classical period and the Middle Ages, it was worn by Roman magistrates, signifying their allegiance to the Emperor. The yellow of many Asian flags comes from such an origin.
The fact that most of us associate it with the sky, water, and the ocean—all three of which are generally considered calming to us all.
Using the standard U.S. color names, blue refers to the range of colors between green and violet in the visible spectrum of light, with the name derived from blue dye produced from indigo (or sometimes woad).
Blue may also refer to the second primary color or made by mixing cyan and magenta—the two additive primary colors of the CMYK color space—with or without black ink or other colorants.
Try to think of the color pink and you can probably only imagine one image — the color of something girly, frilly, and light-hearted.
This is because pink has been historically associated with the female gender and the color has come to represent femininity and fragility in popular culture.
One of the most fascinating colors that you can use in your interior design, pink has been around since ancient times and today it still remains one of the most popular colors. Read more