Adverb of Reason| Definition & Useful Example:


 The Adverb of reason is an adverb that provides information about the reason, why an action occurred or will occur.

An adverb can be used to tell the reader why something happened or why someone did something. The adverb can also convey what the purpose of the sentence is.

Adverb of Reason

An adverb of reason tells us the reason why something happened. It completes the meaning of the verb, adding extra information about the action and telling us why it happened.

In order to understand this, we first need to understand that adverbs in general help modify verbs (the action words) and adjectives (describing words).

 An adverb of reason gives specific information about the reason why something happened.

 For example,

  • I used to live in New York because my company relocated me there.

The word because is an adverb of reason because it tells you why I moved to New York, which explains why I used to live there.

Adverbs, type of adverbs with examples

 If the move didn’t have anything to do with my company relocating me, then because wouldn’t be an adverb of reason in that sentence since the word because wouldn’t give specific information about the reason why I moved to New York.

An adverb gives more information about the purpose behind an action, event, or state of being, but it doesn’t provide any new information about the time of an action, the person who does it, or the location where it takes place.

For example,

  • He cooked dinner so he could watch TV.

In this sentence, so is the adverb because it gives additional information about why he cooked dinner. More

Example Sentences of Adverb of reason:

  1. She was late and hence was not allowed to attend the assembly.
  2. I am thirsty so I drank juice.
  3. She didn’t go to college, because she was feeling well.
  4. Accidently she wrote her mother’s name instead of her.
  5. The bell rang so she left the college.
  6. She was late because she couldn’t catch the train.
  7.  Since it is hot, he is very tired.
  8. I was hungry, so I ate a burger.
  9. Sara was hence neglected by the teachers.
  10. Sam worked hard, so he won the prize.