What is Possessive Adjective? |Definition & Useful Examples:

What is Possessive Adjective?  As we know that adjectives are used to modify nouns and pronouns, as well as other adjectives, as well as verbs, clauses, and even entire sentences.

However, some adjectives are limited in terms of what they can modify, and Possessive Adjectives are one of these types of adjectives.

In this topic, we discuss the Possessive Adjective and its definition and learn some useful examples.


A possessive adjective is a word that shows ownership or possession of something. Possessive adjectives usually come before the noun they modify.

 Such as;

  • My book.

The word my in the phrase (my book). Possessive adjectives usually come before the noun they modify.

A possessive adjective indicates possession or ownership. It also shows that the noun it describes belongs to the person or thing that it precedes.

Examples of possessive adjectives are;

  • My.
  • Your.
  • His.
  • Her.
  • Our.
  • Their.
  • Its.

An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying it. Possessive adjectives are those that show ownership or possession.

 Such as;

  • That’s my book
  • These are our dogs

The noun or pronoun that follows must be the possessor of something else—in these cases, it would be the book and the dogs, respectively.

A possessive adjective, also known as an adjectival possessive, determines if a noun is owned by someone or something else.

In English, possessive adjectives are formed by adding an apostrophe and the letter s at the end of the noun.

The possessive adjective can come before or after the noun it modifies to create different meanings.

Example Sentences of Possessive Adjectives:

  1. Sam drives his mother’s new car.
  2. The baby laughed at his silly face.
  3. Your car is very amazing.
  4. My brother likes to play with his football.
  5. This city is famous for its oranges.
  6. What is her role in this play?
  7. That apartment is mine.
  8. He introduced me to his family.
  9. I appreciate your efforts.
  10. We stayed at her house.

So these are the example sentences, all the bold letters are under the definition of possessive adjectives.