Useful Verbs that start with O, 120 list

There are so many interesting Verbs that start with the O. In this topic, you learn a complete list of verbs of O.  The verb is a word that shows action in the sentence.


Verbs are action words, and they show what the subject of the sentence is doing or experiencing.

 The main part of any verb phrase is its root verb, along with any auxiliaries and/or helping verbs that are used to modify the action in some way.

Verbs that start with O

There is a complete list of Verbs that start with the O.

Verbs that start with O:

  1. obsignate
  2. obstupefy
  3. obfirm
  4. obsess
  5. obscure
  6. obectize
  7. objurgate
  8. objectify
  9. observe
  10. obscuration
  11. obliterate
  12. oblectate
  13. obrogate
  14. obnubilate
  15. objectivate
  16. obsolete
  17. obstacle
  18. obduct
  19. obsecrate
  20. obdure
  21. oblige
  22. obelisk
  23. obfuscate
  24. obduce
  25. obfirmate
  26. obelize
  27. oblique
  28. obdurate
  29. object
  30. obstringe
  31. obsolesce
  32. obolize
  33. obstetricate
  34. obey
  35. oblatrate
  36. obsign
  37. obtain
  38. obligate
  39. obstruct
  40. obequitate
  41. outdo
  42. ouse
  43. out
  44. outcant
  45. outbray
  46. outargue
  47. outbreathe
  48. outdure
  49. outbreast
  50. outbow
  51. outdwell
  52. outcrop
  53. outburn
  54. outface
  55. outbar
  56. oust
  57. outbrave
  58. outdazzle
  59. outdream
  60. outer
  61. out crafty
  62. outdraw
  63. outbrag
  64. out bribe
  65. outbring
  66. outcompass
  67. outdare
  68. outbrazen
  69. outcheat
  70. outbud
  71. outbleat
  72. outbeg
  73. outbuild
  74. outbabble
  75. outclimb
  76. outbalance
  77. outbid
  78. outlet
  79. out drink
  80. out blush
  81. overdo
  82. overbuild
  83. overact
  84. over brim
  85. overburden
  86. overcloy
  87. overburn
  88. overbalance
  89. over agitate
  90. over bend
  91. overbear
  92. overcome
  93. overdose
  94. overloud
  95. over breed
  96. overate
  97. over catch
  98. over crow
  99. over effect
  100. overblow
  101. over climb
  102. overcanopy
  103. over dare
  104. overarch
  105. overbuy
  106. over cover
  107. over bow
  108. overcrowd
  109. overblown
  110. over boil
  111. overawe
  112. overcharge
  113. over carrying
  114. overabound
  115. over count
  116. over bulk
  117. overbid
  118. over color
  119. overbid
  120. overcast

so these are some interesting verbs that start with o. Read more