Useful Root Vegetable Names 27 list

Here in this topic, Root Vegetable Names we discuss the entire root vegetable name a complete list, and pictures.

Root Vegetables:

root vegetable is one of the main plant roots eaten by humans or other animals, in contrast to a tuber or an underground stem.

Root Vegetables

 Roots are usually consumed by humans as part of their staple food source, but they can also be used as food for livestock and to make beer, liquor, medicine, and toothpaste.

Root Vegetable Names

Root vegetables are staple foods that have been cultivated and enjoyed by humans since prehistoric times.

 Root vegetables include

  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Beets
  • Radishes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Turnips
  • Ginger
  • Cassava
  • Horseradish

Many of these root vegetables originated in Asia and the Pacific Islands; however, most of them are now grown throughout the world due to their ease of cultivation and storage capabilities.

 They can be prepared in various ways to enhance their flavor, from boiling or baking to roasting or grilling.

Root vegetables are extremely versatile and can be used in all types of recipes, from soups to casseroles and even desserts.

Vegetable Names in English | 8 useful types & List with Pictures

List of Root Vegetable Names:

  1.  Galangal
  2. Cassava
  3. Carrot
  4. Maca
  5. Celery root
  6. Turnip
  7. Horse-radish
  8. Yucca
  9. Radish
  10. Jicama
  11. Water Chestnut
  12. Shallot
  13. Burdock root
  14. Kohlrabi
  15. Onion
  16. Potato
  17. Turmeric
  18. Black salsify
  19. Jerusalem Artichoke
  20. Garlic
  21. Ginger
  22. Japanese Artichoke
  23. Rutabaga
  24. Sweet potato
  25. Lotus Root
  26. Daikon Radish
  27. Beetroot  

Root Vegetables Name with Detail and Pictures:

Lotus Root:

 The lotus root is a kind of root vegetable popular in East Asia. Raw, it can be eaten and it is usually cooked, but when cooked there are lots of health benefits to having the lotus root in your diet.

The super food is loaded with dietary fiber and protein, which can balance blood sugar levels and stave off hunger. It’s also a powerhouse of vitamins C and B6, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium—all essential nutrients that keep your body healthy.


Beetroot, red beet, and table beet are types of edible plants. When cooked and eaten, it can be high in nitrates and should be eaten sparingly. You can eat beets uncooked, cooked, or pickled.


Turmeric is a major ingredient in curry powders and it’s also known as Haldi. It’s a major plant of south Asia, but because of its tolerance to dry conditions, it’s now grown in many different tropical climates.

Turmeric has been used for a thousand years both as a food and medicine in Asia, with evidence from 1500 BC.

Daikon Radish:

Daikon, also known as white radish, is a traditional root vegetable in many Asian countries. It has crisp and juicy flesh that can be eaten raw or cooked. Daikon is commonly used in Japanese cooking, most notably in soup dishes like miso soup and sunomono (cold dish).

 It is also often pickled to be served as an accompaniment to sushi. In 10 words or less, here are 10 interesting facts about daikon radish.

Black salsify:

Known as scorzonera and black oyster plant, black salsify is a fall/winter vegetable native to South Africa.

When cooked and seasoned well, it can be a tasty addition to many recipes. The deep burgundy color stands out in any dish and its subtle flavor pairs with most dishes. Root vegetable – Wikipedia