English speaking lesson 23

Prepositions in English Grammar Prepositions are an important part of English grammar that are used to connect nouns and pronouns with other words in a sentence. They describe the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words in the sentence. Here are some important things to know about prepositions in English grammar: Definition: A … Read more

English speaking lesson 22

Basic grammar “He,” “she,” and “it”: “He,” “she,” and “it” are third-person pronouns that we use to refer to people, animals, or things. “He” is used for males, “she” is used for females, and “it” is used for objects, animals, or things. For example: He is my brother. She is my sister. It is a … Read more

English speaking lesson 21

Use of same as, as long as, so, too “Same as”: “Same as” is used to compare two things that are identical or very similar in some way. For example: My car is the same color as yours. This dress is the same size as the one I tried on earlier. The book on my … Read more

English speaking lesson 19

Negative sentences in English Negative sentences are sentences that express the absence or negation of something. In English, we use negative words like “not,” “never,” “no,” “neither,” “nor,” “none,” “nobody,” “nowhere,” and “nothing” to create negative sentences. Negative sentences can be formed in different ways depending on the verb tense, verb form, and sentence structure. … Read more

English speaking lesson 18

Interrogative sentences in English Interrogative sentences are sentences that ask a question or seek information. They are used in conversations, interviews, surveys, and various other situations where we need to obtain information from others. Interrogative sentences typically begin with a verb and use a word order that is different from affirmative or negative statements. There … Read more

English speaking lesson 17

Asking Simple questions WH questions are a type of question that is used to gather information in English. These questions typically begin with the letters “WH,” which stand for “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how.” Each of these question words has a specific purpose and usage, as explained below: “Who”: This question word is … Read more

Use of What, Who, How, Lesson 16

“What,” “who,” and “how” are three question words that are commonly used in English to ask for information. Each of these words has a specific purpose and usage, as explained below: “What”: This question word is used to ask about things, objects, actions, or ideas. For example: What is your favorite food? What time is … Read more

English speaking lesson 15

Have got / Has Got

Have got / has got – Possession

In this lesson we are going to learn vocabulary related to the possession. We use “has got” with the third preson singular(he, she, it, Ali)  and “have got” is used for other pronouns (I, We, You, They ).

Remember most of American people  frequently use “got” in their conversation.

Sample sentences:

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English speaking lesson 14

Consonants and Vowels in English In the English language, there are 26 letters in the alphabet, with 5 vowels and 21 consonants. The vowels in English are A, E, I, O, and U. These letters are considered vowels because they produce a sound that is created by the free flow of air through the mouth … Read more