Nouns that start with J 143 list

We’ll study everything there is to know about nouns and go over a full list of Nouns that start with J in today’s lesson.


A noun can be defined as any word that identifies something by naming it, such as a car or tree.

Nouns that start with J infographic

Nouns that start with J
Nouns that start with J

 Nouns are one of the most common parts of speech in the English language, and they play an important role in many sentences and conversations.

In fact, they are often used to name things around us, such as names of peopleobjects, or places, helping us to make sense of the world around us and communicate with other people more easily and clearly. Read more

Nouns that start with J:

  1. June
  2. Juncture
  3. Jim-dandy
  4. Jamb
  5. Josh
  6. Jaconet
  7. Jejunum
  8. Joyride
  9. Jot
  10. Jumper
  11. Jinks
  12. Jargon
  13. Joke
  14. Jalousie
  15. Jag
  16. Journalism
  17. Jeremiad
  18. Job
  19. Jubilee
  20. Jitter
  21. Junkyard
  22. Jealousy
  23. Juggler
  24. Jacket
  25. Jazzmen
  26. Jubilation
  27. Jumble
  28. Judicature
  29. Jurist
  30. Junk
  31. Jab
  32. Jamboree
  33. Jumbo
  34. Junior
  35. Jolt
  36. Juggernaut
  37. Journalese
  38. Jetsetter
  39. Jay
  40. Juice
  41. Jetsam
  42. Juicer
  43. Jabberwocky
  44. Jet
  45. Jeans
  46. Jelly
  47. Junction
  48. Jellyfish
  49. Julep
  50. Jam
  51. Jades
  52. Jest
  53. Juju
  54. Justification
  55. Joyride
  56. Jalapeno
  57. Jade
  58. Jonquil
  59. Jingo
  60. Jute
  61. Jurisdiction
  62. Joust
  63. Jeep
  64. Jeweler
  65. Junta
  66. Judgeship
  67. Judo
  68. Junket
  69. Jasper
  70. Judgment
  71. Judgment
  72. Jinx
  73. Juxtaposition
  74. Jiffy
  75. Journal
  76. Jaundice
  77. Joy
  78. Juke
  79. Jazz
  80. Jujube
  81. Jockey
  82. Jail
  83. Jinn
  84. Joblot
  85. Jingle
  86. Jackpot
  87. Jowl
  88. Jogger
  89. Jejunity
  90. Jig
  91. Jaunt
  92. Judiciary
  93. Jalopy
  94. Jabberwocky
  95. Jukebox
  96. Jerkiness
  97. Jape
  98. Jackal
  99. Justice
  100. Justiciary
  101. Joyfulness
  102. Jewelry
  103. Java
  104. Jawbone
  105. Jurisprudence
  106. Jujitsu
  107. Join
  108. Juvenile
  109. Jigger
  110. Joist
  111. Joystick
  112. Juniper
  113. Jockstrap
  114. Joiner
  115. Jitterbug
  116. Janitor
  117. Jury
  118. John
  119. Jungle
  120. Jaywalker
  121. Jerk
  122. Jar
  123. Jump
  124. Jug
  125. Japonica
  126. Jumpsuit
  127. Joint
  128. Journey
  129. Jester
  130. Judge
  131. Jeopardy
  132. Jigsaw
  133. Jive
  134. Jewel
  135. Jaw
  136. Joinery
  137. Jabber
  138. Journeyman
  139. Joviality
  140. Juror
  141. Jersey
  142. Journalist
  143. Joker