Negative Sentences explanation and uses

The negation of sentences with auxiliary verbs

Sentences with auxiliary verbs are simply denied by putting the word not after the auxiliary verb.

John is very friendly. John is not very friendly.

For the following auxiliary verbs, the negative is formed in this way:

  • am, are, what, were, were
    Example : I was not astonished.
  • has, have
    Example: I have not had any breakfast yet.
  • can, could
    Example : I could not eat.
  • may, might
    Example : You might not have permission to take the keys.
  • must
    Example : You must not be afraid.
  • ought to
    Example : You ought not to smoke so much.
  • shall, should
    Example : He should not go to Spain next year.
  • want
    Example : Jim does not want leave today. Jim does not want leave today. (Attention: The negative short form of will is not necessary. )

Attention: You must be careful with must not (not allowed) and need not (not need). The negation of must is need not. M ay becomes a must not in the negative form.


  • You must go now. → You need not go now.
  • You may go now. → You must not go now.

Summary: Negation of sentences with auxiliary verbs
Sentences with auxiliary verbs are denied by a need behind the auxiliary verb.

The negation of sentences with full verbs

In sentences with full verbs, the auxiliary verb do (do not, does not, did not) is used to form the negative form.


  • Ali likes coffee. → Ali does not like coffee.
  • I understand her. → I do not understand her.
  • They went to market together. → They did not go to market together.
  • Peter has five children. → Peter does not have five children.

Attention: There are two ways to negate a: If you have used as an auxiliary verb (for example in sentences in perfect) it is not denied. If you have used it as a verb, it is denied using do .


  • have not had any breakfast yet.
  • Peter does not have five children.

Summary: Negation of sentences with full verbs
Sentences with full verbs are denied by a negative form of auxiliary verb do .

Negation of the imperative

To deny an imperative, use. Do not

Example: Do not forget your keys.

Summary: For Negation of the Imperative sentences only Do not is used.

Negation of a question

  • Since do is used to form the question form, it is also denied accordingly with do not ( do not ), does not ( does not ) and did not ( did not ).

Example: Who does not want to be a millionaire?

  • As a rule, the negative particle is attached directly to the auxiliary verb.

Example: Can not you see that building? Did not you have lunch today?

Summary: Negation of a question
Questions are denied by a need for the auxiliary verb (mostly do ).