Adjectives that start with V

Here in this topic, we discuss Adjective with definition and also learn a complete list of Adjectives that start with V. Adjective: An adjective is used to describe nouns or pronouns. It modifies (describes) these parts of speech by providing additional information about their quality, quantity, or manner of being or doing something.  A basic understanding of English … Read more

Useful Adjectives that start with W

Here in this topic, we discuss Adjective with definition and also learn a complete list of Adjectives that start with W. Adjective: An adjective, sometimes called an attributive adjective or simply adjective, is used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun.  Adjectives may come before the noun they modify, after the noun they modify, or both (either … Read more

577+ useful Adjectives that start with S

Sacred, salient, and scientific like these there are so many adjectives that start with S in this topic we discuss adjectives and all the adjectives that start with S with a complete list. Adjective: An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. It can tell us what kind of person or thing we’re talking about (and which one, if … Read more

Rare Adjectives that start with X

As we know that the adjective describes the noun or pronoun, so there are so many useful Adjectives that start with X we discuss all the adjectives that start with X in this topic. Adjective: An adjective sometimes called an attributive adjective or predicate adjective describes a noun or pronoun by limiting, specifying, or quantifying the noun or pronoun in some … Read more

Adjectives that start with Y

As we know that the adjective describes the noun or pronoun, so there are so many useful Adjectives that start with Y we discuss all the adjectives that start with Y in this topic. 577+ useful Adjectives that start with S Adjective: A simple definition of an adjective would be a word that modifies nouns and pronouns. … Read more

Comparative & Superlative: explanation and uses

Here is a quick overview of the formation and use of superlatives and comparatives in English. Test your superlative knowledge in English with this exercise: Superlative adjectives Explanation: formation of comparative and superlative Poor, poorer, poorest – Of course there are also forms of improvement in English grammar . In the formation of comparative (first form of increase) … Read more