Comparative Adjectives | Definition & 10 Easy Examples:

Definition: Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things so that you can say one thing or person is more or less of something than another thing or person. An adjective can be either positive or negative, and it describes a noun by telling you its color, size, shape, or the like. Rules of comparative degree: … Read more

Indefinite Adjective | Definition & 10 Easy Examples:

Definition: An indefinite Adjective is a type of adjective that modifies the noun in an unspecified way. This means that type of adjective doesn’t refer to any particular thing, person, or place.  Indefinite adjectives are used to modify nouns without specific identifiers and without reference to any particular thing, person, or place. These are words like;  Any, either, many, some, all, most, little, and … Read more

Distributive adjective | Definition & 10 Easy Examples:

Definition: The distributive adjective is an adjective that is used to describe more than one thing or person at the same time or separately. The Distributive adjective is used to distribute something over several people or things. Examples of distributive adjectives include These adjectives are not just used in formal writing, but also in everyday language and speech. … Read more

Easy Distributive Adjective Examples

Here in this topic, Distributive Adjective Examples we discuss the distributive adjective examples in detail. Distributive Adjective: A distributive adjective is an adjective that refers to each individual member of a group separately, rather than to the group as a whole.  In English, most distributive adjectives are created by adding each or every noun before … Read more

Useful Adjectives that start with E

So many useful Adjectives that start with E, we discuss the Adjective and a huge list of adjectives that start with the E. Adjectives: An adjective gives more information about the noun by telling us what kind it is, how many there are, or which one we mean. Adjectives can also be used to compare two things and tell … Read more

Adjectives that start with H

Here in this topic, we discuss Adjective with definition and also learn a complete list of Adjectives that start with H. Adjective: An adjective is a word that describes or modifies nouns, pronouns, and phrases. They come before the noun, which they describe or modify, but after determiners such as articles, possessives, and quantifiers such as a … Read more

466 Adjectives that start with I

he adjective modifies the noun or pronoun, so there are so many interesting Adjectives that start with I like imaginary, imaginative, immature, and imitative. We discuss all the adjectives that start with I in this topic, Adjective: An adjective describes a noun or pronoun (person, place, thing, or idea) in a sentence. They are often used to add … Read more

Adjectives that start with F

Flammable, Fresh, Fruitful like these there are so many useful Adjectives that start with F, we discuss the Adjective and a huge list of adjectives that start with the F. Adjective: Adjectives modify, describe, or give more information about nouns or pronouns. As in the sentence;  In this sentence, slowly is an adjective that describes how he walked. Slowly modifies or gives … Read more

Adjectives that start with A

So many useful Adjectives that start with A, we discuss the Adjective and a huge list of adjectives that start with the A.  Adjective: An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can tell us what kind, how many, or which one. All adjectives are also nouns, pronouns, or verbs, but not all nouns, pronouns, or verbs … Read more

Adjectives that start with D

As we know that the adjective describes the noun or pronoun, so there are so many useful Adjectives that start with D we discuss all the adjectives that start with D in this topic, Adjective: Adjectives are parts of speech that can modify nouns and pronouns. For example, in the sentence;  The word green modifies the word olives and therefore it … Read more