171+ Useful Verbs that start with A

The verb is the most important part of a sentence because it tells us what the subject (noun or pronoun) does or does not do. Today we discuss all the Verbs that start with A.


The verb is a part of the sentence that tells us what the subject of that sentence does or what happens to it. Verbs are action words, like

Verbs that start with A




There are four types of verbs:

  • Transitive
  • Intransitive
  • Linking
  • Auxiliary

Verbs that start with A:

  1. accrue
  2. accoil
  3. accriminate
  4. accord
  5. accourage
  6. accommodate
  7. accurse
  8. access
  9. accrete
  10. accomplish
  11. accroach
  12. accordment
  13. acclimate
  14. accoutre
  15. accloy
  16. accumber
  17. accredit
  18. accouple
  19. accite
  20. accorporate
  21. accost
  22. accelerate
  23. accede
  24. accentuate
  25. accept
  26. ascend
  27. accoast
  28. accustom
  29. accumb
  30. acclimatize
  31. acclaim
  32. accent
  33. accumulate
  34. account
  35. accouter
  36. accuse
  37. accresce
  38. accompany
  39. accourt
  40. accoy
  41. admarginate
  42. adduce
  43. adeem
  44. adjoin
  45. addoom
  46. adjudge
  47. adfected
  48. adapt
  49. adjust
  50. adhibit
  51. address
  52. adamant
  53. addeem
  54. adduce
  55. addict
  56. administer
  57. admonish
  58. adjugate
  59. admeasure
  60. adaw
  61. adight
  62. add
  63. adjudicate
  64. adapt
  65. adhere
  66. adhere
  67. adjust
  68. adduct
  69. adjective
  70. adonize
  71. ad move
  72. admire
  73. admit
  74. adjust
  75. administrate
  76. adjure
  77. addle
  78. admix
  79. adjourn
  80. adipocerate
  81. afflict
  82. affairs
  83. Africanize
  84. affright
  85. affect
  86. afforest
  87. affy
  88. affine
  89. after eye
  90. afford
  91. affiance
  92. after
  93. affrighten
  94. affatuate
  95. affright
  96. affix
  97. afforce
  98. affront
  99. affrap
  100. affile
  101. affranchise
  102. affiliate
  103. affray
  104. affear
  105. affuse
  106. age
  107. aghast
  108. agrace
  109. agnize
  110. agast
  111. aggrege
  112. agonize
  113. agree
  114. aggrandize
  115. aguise
  116. aguilt
  117. agrise
  118. aggest
  119. agatize
  120. agist
  121. aggrieve
  122. agrarianize
  123. aggregate
  124. againsay
  125. againstand
  126. agglomerate
  127. agnominate
  128. aggress
  129. againbuy
  130. ague
  131. aggerate
  132. aggrace
  133. aggravate
  134. agglutinate
  135. aggroup
  136. agitate
  137. affirm
  138. alligate
  139. alloy
  140. allure
  141. allect
  142. alkalize
  143. alien
  144. alight
  145. allude
  146. allatrate
  147. alacrify
  148. alegge
  149. alarm
  150. ally
  151. allineate
  152. albumenize
  153. allfours
  154. alleviate
  155. alert
  156. allotropize
  157. alledge
  158. allegge
  159. alcoholize
  160. allocate
  161. aliment
  162. alchemize
  163. aliene
  164. allow
  165. alkalify
  166. allege
  167. allay
  168. alliterate
  169. allot
  170. alliance
  171. allegorize
  172. allonge
  173. algebraize
  174. align
  175. alienate
  176. alkalizate
  177. aline

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