Useful 116+ Verbs that start with D

There are so many interesting Verbs that start with the D like dancing, dream, dare. In this topic, you learn a complete list of verbs that start with D. The verb is a word that shows action or stat in the sentence.


Verbs are action words in English, and they form the heart of any sentence that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

Verbs that start with D

All other parts of speech — nouns, adjectives, adverbs — rely on verbs to express what they mean in a complete way; without them, you’re just left with incomplete phrases that don’t really convey anything meaningful at all. Read more

There are so many interesting verbs that start with the letter D a complete list of verbs of D is given below.

    Verbs that start with D:

    1. dry
    2. double
    3. disapprove
    4. doubt
    5. discover
    6. divide
    7. drag
    8. detect
    9. disarm
    10. drip
    11. dream
    12. dance
    13. delight
    14. describe
    15. desert
    16. deliver
    17. dust
    18. decorate
    19. dam
    20. drain
    21. drum
    22. drop
    23. deserve
    24. disagree
    25. dislike
    26. decay
    27. depend
    28. develop
    29. dress
    30. destroy
    31. drown
    32. delay
    33. deceive
    34. decide
    35. dare
    36. damage
    37. disappear
    38. debellate
    39. dead
    40. deafen
    41. debar
    42. debark
    43. debel
    44. decante
    45. decarburize
    46. dear
    47. decamp
    48. dearn
    49. debarrass
    50. decalcify
    51. deaurate
    52. decarbonate
    53. debulliat
    54. deaf
    55. debase
    56. debarb
    57. debosh
    58. debauchee
    59. death
    60. dearticulate
    61. deave
    62. decarbonize
    63. debut
    64. deambulate
    65. debituminize
    66. debouch
    67. deacon
    68. decant
    69. debit
    70. decapitate
    71. debacchate
    72. debilitate
    73. deal
    74. dealbate
    75. debate
    76. deaden
    77. dod
    78. dop
    79. dorr
    80. dotard
    81. docquet
    82. doer
    83. domify
    84. dote
    85. door
    86. domineer
    87. doodle
    88. dor
    89. doat
    90. dominate
    91. doff
    92. doctorate
    93. dolomize
    94. doom
    95. dodge
    96. dotage
    97. domiciliate
    98. domicile
    99. dotterel
    100. dogmatize
    101. donate
    102. docket
    103. doorstep
    104. dock
    105. dog
    106. do
    107. dose
    108. document
    109. dot
    110. dole
    111. dodder
    112. don
    113. dolt
    114. domesticate
    115. doctor
    116. dodd