Useful Verbs that start with L

Today we discuss all the Verbs that start with L. The verb is the most essential portion of a sentence. Because it tells us what the subject (noun or pronoun) does or does not do.


A verb is an action word, which means it typically expresses action, occurrence, or state of being.

Verbs that start with L infographic

Verbs that start with L

Examples include:

  • They walked to the store.
  • Jupiter orbits the sun
  • It smells bad in here.

She believes that the world should be green and fair.

Or thoughts

I think that we should do this now.

Verbs that start with L:

  1. lever
  2. line
  3. levy
  4. limit
  5. log
  6. lounge
  7. license
  8. link
  9. lapse
  10. light
  11. label
  12. live
  13. lengthen
  14. listen
  15. legitimize
  16. landscape
  17. let
  18. lull
  19. lend
  20. layer
  21. lease
  22. lecture
  23. let’s
  24. lament
  25. land
  26. love
  27. leak
  28. lodge
  29. lash
  30. loot
  31. launch
  32. legitimize
  33. launder
  34. load
  35. leap
  36. laugh
  37. litter
  38. lurch
  39. lose
  40. lean
  41. lighten
  42. languish
  43. liquidate
  44. lick
  45. legislate
  46. lock
  47. leaf
  48. list
  49. liberate
  50. limp
  51. liberalize
  52. lack
  53. lag
  54. lap
  55. liven
  56. lump
  57. loop
  58. loose
  59. lob
  60. lessen
  61. locate
  62. liaise
  63. lift
  64. like
  65. lie
  66. legitimate
  67. linger
  68. leach
  69. lynch
  70. leave
  71. latch
  72. last
  73. lure
  74. lead
  75. long
  76. labor
  77. lurk
  78. loathe
  79. license
  80. loosen
  81. lobby
  82. liken
  83. loom
  84. learn
  85. liberalize
  86. level
  87. look
  88. line out
  89. live-trap
  90. levee
  91. liaison
  92. Laxen
  93. lippening
  94. let
  95. Lewinsky
  96. lie to
  97. line-dry
  98. liveblog
  99. live with
  100. let alone
  101. lump it
  102. lavendered
  103. luge
  104. lemonized
  105. learn
  106. lacquey
  107. landfill
  108. limb
  109. laryngealized
  110. lock-pick
  111. legion
  112. laxening
  113. labyrinth
  114. lock up
  115. let fly
  116. lie doggo
  117. Leeroy
  118. live with oneself
  119. low
  120. lump together
  121. liss
  122. lightering
  123. lie in one’s throat
  124. life
  125. let go
  126. lie ill in one’s mouth
  127. let fluffy off the chain
  128. larf
  129. logon
  130. love
  131. let be
  132. lionize
  133. let’s get past
  134. law
  135. lay a glove on
  136. let drive
  137. lighten someone’s purse
  138. level off
  139. low
  140. leese
  141. levee
  142. lithify
  143. lock-picking
  144. lineate
  145. lofe
  146. lawe
  147. lie low
  148. lighten up
  149. lie through one’s teeth
  150. loff
  151. lead the charge
  152. ladify
  153. lie with
  154. lemonize
  155. lie off
  156. lie down
  157. laparotomize
  158. lie upon
  159. leese
  160. level out
  161. live-tweet
  162. lote
  163. lie in
  164. let down
  165. lippen
  166. lore
  167. let bygones be bygones
  168. low
  169. lie in wait
  170. lame
  171. lomilomi
  172. line up

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