Quality, qualified, and quick, like these interesting words, there are so many beautiful Adjectives that start with Q.So we discuss all the adjectives in a complete list.
An adjective is a word in the English language that describes a noun or pronoun.
For example, if we say that;
Someone has an angry face or a big nose.
Angry and big are adjectives because they describe the subject of the sentence, which is face and nose, respectively.
In fact, adjectives can be used to describe any part of speech except adverbs; however, it is usually easier to define an adjective by describing what it isn’t rather than what it is.
Adjectives that start with Q:
- Querulous
- Quartz
- Quebecois
- Quits
- Quanta
- Qualified
- Quarried
- Quaky
- Quasi
- Quakerism
- Quantitative
- Quondam
- Quintuple
- Quantivalent
- Quiet
- Quintessential
- Quicksilver
- Quilted
- Quadruplex
- Qualified
- Questionable
- Quakerlike
- Qualitative
- Quarterly
- Quaint
- Quaggy
- Questionless
- Quartering
- Quarreling
- Quadraphonic
- Quite able
- Quadrilateral
- Quiet some
- Questionary
- Quirky
- Quadrangular
- Quick Time
- Quoted
- Quenched
- Quixotic
- Queen-Size
- Quarry
- Quite
- Questioning
- Quadrantal
- Quarrelsome
- Quadrupled
- Qualifiable
- Quality
- Qabalistic
- Quicken
- Quadruped
- Qualmish
- Queenly
- Quotidian
- Quotable
- Quenchless
- Quadrate
- Quivered
- Quick
- Quack
- Quickset
- Queer
- Quick-witted
- Queasy
- Quadratic
Positive Adjectives that start with Q:
- Quality
- Quicker
- Quiet
- Qualified
- Quick
- Quaint
- Quintessential
- Quickest
Adjectives that start with Q for Person:
- Quitter
- Questionable
- Quick-witted
- Quantitative
- Quickest
- Quackish
- Quick
- Quotable
- Qatari
- Quintessential
- Quicker
- Quibbling
- Quantifiable
- Quivering
- Quarantined
- Quick-tempered
- Quaint
- Qualitative
- Queer
- Queasy
- Quiet
- Qualified
Negative Adjectives that start with Q:
- Questionable
- Quarrelsome
- Quackish
- Quibbling