Kindly, kind-hearted, Knowing like these, there are so many adjectives that start with K.
In this topic, we discuss adjectives of K with a complete list.
Adjectives are one of the most frequently used parts of speech in English, which makes it easy to overlook their importance as an essential part of language structure and expression.
But without adjectives, we’d have no way to describe anything.
Adjectives that start with K:
- Knee-high
- Kick-ass
- Keyboard
- Kyrgyzstani
- Knowing
- Knowledgeable
- Knee-jerk
- Knightage
- Keyed
- Kinetic
- Knacks
- Knightly
- Knock-kneed
- Knackered
- Known
- Knee-deep
- Kingly
- Knee-length
- Kinematic
- Kuwaiti
- Keltic
- Knotted
- Keen
- Knockdown
- Knobbed
- Knightless
- Kidney
- Kindly
- Knacky
- Kneecap
- Knuckled
- Knotless
- Kneed
- Kerned
- Kipper
- Kimbo
- Kindness
- Kurdish
- Kittenish
- Kingless
- Key
- Keeled
- Kingdomed
- Kvetch
- Kindless
- Knowable
- Krumhorn
- Kiddie
- Kind-hearted
- Kindergartner
- Kaleidoscopic
- Knobby
- Kin
- Kingy
- Kindred
- Kilted
- Knock-on
- Kind
- Knurled
- Knotty
Positive Adjectives that start with K:
- Kingly
- Kindly
- Kind-hearted
- Keen
- Kindered
- Key
- Knowing
- Kooky
- Kosher
- Known
- Kind
- Knowledgeable
- Knightly
- Kaleidoscopic
Negative Adjectives that start with K:
- Kiddy
- Knarled
- Knavish
- Knuckled
- Kid
- Kindless
- Klutzy
- Knee-jerk
- Killing
- Knagged
- Knaggy
- Knobby
Adjectives that start with K for Person :
- Knucklehead
- Kuwaiti
- King-size
- Kurd
- Kick-ass
- Killer
- Kooky
- Kaput
- Kyrgyzstani
- Kittenish
- Klutz
- Knackered
- Kempt
- Kin
- Known
- Kid
- Keen
- Knavish
- Kleptomaniac
- Kosher
- Korean
- Knowledgeable
- Kvetch
- Kindergartner
- Key
- Knobby
- Kingly
- Kissy
- Kingless
- Kinder
- Knockout
- Kind
- Kept
- Kenyan
- Knowable
- Kentuckian
- Kiddish
- Knightly
- Kill-joy
- Kissable
- Knotty
- Kilted
- Kindest
- Kinky
Read more about adjectives