English speaking lesson 27

Active and passive voice

Active and passive voice

Active and passive voice are two different ways of expressing the same sentence. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. Here are some important rules and examples of active and passive voice in English:

  1. In active voice, the subject comes before the verb.

Example: John ate the pizza.

In this sentence, “John” is the subject, “ate” is the verb, and “pizza” is the object.

  1. In passive voice, the object comes before the verb, and the subject may be omitted.

Example: The pizza was eaten by John.

In this sentence, “pizza” is the object, “was eaten” is the verb phrase, and “John” is the optional subject.

  1. In passive voice, the verb phrase includes a form of the verb “to be” and the past participle of the main verb.

Example: The cake was baked by the chef.

In this sentence, “was baked” is the verb phrase, and “chef” is the optional subject.

  1. Passive voice is often used when the focus is on the action or the object rather than the subject.

Example: The building was destroyed by the hurricane.

In this sentence, the focus is on the action of the hurricane, not who or what caused the destruction.

  1. Active voice is usually more direct and concise than passive voice.

Example: The teacher explained the lesson.

In this sentence, the active voice clearly identifies who performed the action.

Example: The lesson was explained by the teacher.

In this sentence, the passive voice is less direct and concise, and the subject (the teacher) is optional.

In conclusion, active and passive voice are important aspects of English grammar used to express the same sentence in different ways. By understanding the rules and examples of active and passive voice, you can improve your English writing and communication skills.


Active Voice

Passive Voice

  1. Let this work be done (by you).
  2. Let him be asked to sit down.
  3. Let him be punished (by you).
  4. Let the post be advertised.
  5. You are requested not to smoke.
  6. Indiscipline shouldn’t be encouraged.
  1. Do this work.
  2. Ask him to sit down.
  3. Punish him.
  4. Advertise the post.
  5. Please don’t smoke.
  6. Don’t encourage indiscipline.